Thursday, September 25, 2008

9 Propositions on Ψευδοθεολογια

Because I could never attain to the heights of pseudotheologian Kim Fabricius I will grace the reader with but 9 propositions on pseudotheology:

1. To speak in the manner which the common man understands is to essentially bring the divine down to the level of humanity. Such speech is inadequate for the pseudotheologian and must be avoided at all costs.

2. Pseudotheology is the enterprise of interpreting exactly that which the Scriptures do not say and making such interpretations completely irrelevant to the human condition.

3. Ψευδοθεολογια is lost without Germans and young Americans who unsuspectingly eat up everything these Germans say.

4. The act of pseudoθεολογια is to wonder, ponder, and ask, yet never to figure out, apply, or answer.

5. Ψευδοtheologia would be naught if it weren't for the suffix -ation.

6. Stanley Hauerwas is the preeminent Ψευδοθεολογιαn in North America.

7. Jürgen Moltmann is his German counterpart.

8. 98.89% of all weblogs that pertain to theology are the epitomy of Ψευδοθεολογια.

9. Speculative theology is the process in which we see (via the spec-tacle) the rel-ative (i.e. the red headed step cousin) of proper God-speech which is no less than Ψευδοθεολογια.

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