Monday, October 27, 2008


Wonders shall never cease to mystify and exemplify the studiousness of serious theo-interaction with divine contemplation through which we engage a crying world drenched in tears of ill conceived torment hurled in its direction from the audaciously judgmental "Christians" of the land wherewith they feel most-highly enough to suggest that the actions that clearly allow god's creatures to exist in blissful ignorance and happy interaction with others of like minded persuasions are somehow 'wrong' (blech!) or 'sinful' (gasp!) as if they had never engaged in questionable behaviour. Whether or not they have 'repented' (whatever that might mean) and sought the Lord's forgiveness for this behaviour is clearly irrelevant since it is the same thing no matter how different it actually is. Rather than call god's creatures to 'holiness' (whatever that is) we should embrace the carnality of all since it is said carnality that binds the fallen creation so that it might be hoisted up by the community of self-giving lovers: Mother, Daughter, and Sophia.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ignorance, Understanding, and Carlos Barth

The utter dismality apparent in the current state of so-called "biblio-blogging" is as degenerate and disastrous as wealthy wo/men with gambling problems. The analogous import of the aforementioned sentencinal structure is this: there exists an abundance out of which substance the ignorant can continue to support their own habit. This became ever-evident on this very day from the post of Nick Norelli who enunciated his utter ignorance and lack of understanding. I quote him in part:

I’d advise against [reading Barth's illustrious Die Kirchliche Dogmatik] on this basis: Everyone I have read (either in books or on blogs) who has read through CD has ended up either more confused or more confusing for doing so. That’s why I have purposed to only read through CD I/1 and find out if Barth can really be labeled a modalist or not.
The sheer arrogance exhibited in this thought that doing theology is supposed to result in coherent thought or understanding is tantamount to heresy! For it denies the true substance of theo-contemplation which is an agnosticising of the divine so that we recognize our utter inability to be conceived as anything other than that which cannot conceive of the inconceivable conception of YHVH.

Furthermore, I find his question concerning Barth's alleged 'modalism' (a term might I add that has little force in modern speculative theology for we cannot conceive of any actual difference in the theo-team) to be totally misplaced. The question is not whether or not the great Carlos Barth was a 'modalist', but rather the question is was his modalism speculatively justifiable in quantifiable terms of the word association that we call communicative language. The answer is a resounding yes for any and everything which challenged the status quo of comfortable theology and traditional 'exegesis' must be validly accepted as acceptably valid.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ignoring Exegesis

One of the axioms upon which ψευδοθεολογια is dependent is that exegesis must be avoided, ignored, and side-stepped at all costs. This quasi-divine utterance (LINK) from pseudo-theologian Halden and the ruminations of Kim Fabricius that follow are the perfect example of this. Well done good sirs, jolly good show, jolly good indeed. Shame on those poor commenters who sought to exegete the text in its context and thus avoid the pretext for the proof text. Someone must explain to those types that this is not how theology is done!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shabbos Shalom

Contemplating the complexity of complete complementarity comments on the commitment of commercial commingling in the consubstantiality of concomitant conversations among the conversant of the emergent movement whereby communion is more than a couple of onions but rather is the community of eternal fellowship lovingly interacting in a square dance of triangulated perfection giving and receiving, receiving and giving, hop scotching and skipping through the cosmic embrace of salvific sensuality irregardless of the consequential repercussions of violating the Lord's Shabbos. Thus, to acheive shalom in the home is to break the Shabbos of YHVH in a subversive act of disobedient obedience. כל טוב

Thursday, September 25, 2008

9 Propositions on Ψευδοθεολογια

Because I could never attain to the heights of pseudotheologian Kim Fabricius I will grace the reader with but 9 propositions on pseudotheology:

1. To speak in the manner which the common man understands is to essentially bring the divine down to the level of humanity. Such speech is inadequate for the pseudotheologian and must be avoided at all costs.

2. Pseudotheology is the enterprise of interpreting exactly that which the Scriptures do not say and making such interpretations completely irrelevant to the human condition.

3. Ψευδοθεολογια is lost without Germans and young Americans who unsuspectingly eat up everything these Germans say.

4. The act of pseudoθεολογια is to wonder, ponder, and ask, yet never to figure out, apply, or answer.

5. Ψευδοtheologia would be naught if it weren't for the suffix -ation.

6. Stanley Hauerwas is the preeminent Ψευδοθεολογιαn in North America.

7. Jürgen Moltmann is his German counterpart.

8. 98.89% of all weblogs that pertain to theology are the epitomy of Ψευδοθεολογια.

9. Speculative theology is the process in which we see (via the spec-tacle) the rel-ative (i.e. the red headed step cousin) of proper God-speech which is no less than Ψευδοθεολογια.

Carpe Diem

While the commoners among us bicker and quarrel over controversial eschatological matters of "rapture" they fail to realize the existential realism in the New Testament's presentation of exactly what is "raptured" i.e., the day. One need search no further than the illustrious Latin of St. Jerome's Vulgate, a translation prepared for the common among us to see this relative truth so perfectly presented so as to presuppose our perfect perception of it.

Most misconstrue Rabbi Shaul's words in 1Thessalonians 4:16, 17:
quoniam ipse Dominus in iussu et in voce archangeli et in tuba Dei descendet de caelo et mortui qui in Christo sunt resurgent primi deinde nos qui vivimus qui relinquimur simul rapiemur cum illis in nubibus obviam Domino in aera et sic semper cum Domino erimus
to mean that perhaps the Lord will rapiemur (i.e., rapture) his saints at his coming. Talk of timing is meaningless when referring to the eternally redemptive paradigm in which the Scriptures are set, so debate over when the tribulation occurs in relation to the "rapture" is futile. But it is the words of Messiah Yeshua in the tenth chapter of John's Gospel that lays this erroneous idea to eternal rest:

oves meae vocem meam audiunt et ego cognosco eas et sequuntur me et ego vitam aeternam do eis et non peribunt in aeternum et non rapiet eas quisquam de manu mea Pater meus quod dedit mihi maius omnibus est et nemo potest rapere de manu Patris mei
Yeshua is transparent in his presentation. No man shall rapiet/rapere (i.e., rapture) the saints from his and his Father's hands! To suppose that Jesus, himself a man, could "rapture" his saints is to spit in the eternally reflective face of the divine revelation mediated through the humanly articulated and pneumatically inspired utterances of the apostolic witness.

Quite the opposite, the Latin term translated into the English "rapture" is a translation of the Greek hαρπαζω which means to "seize" or "carry off by force." But the joyous transcendence of salvific elation is not forceful and the ever-existing give-and-take relationship of the triune life would never allow a "seizure" of God's people. Rather it is the day itself that is "seized" when the divine meets humanity and heaven is brought to earth. Carpe diem!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Icing Jesus

The exegetical expectancy of the majority of academia only proves the mantra that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The scholars of the world prove themselves foolish by claiming to draw the meaning out of the text when in fact they end up freezing the Lord Jesus in a context completely foreign to the contemporary pathos of post-Enlightenment redundancy. Hence it is proper to designate their exercise of interpretation as "icing Jesus" while they mock the process of speculative theology as "eisegesis."

But the words of Christ were clearly intended to be construed in a 180° roundabout manner of manifesting wisdom indicating the utter immaturity and ignorance of those exegetes who seek to take the initial understanding of what the original audience would have surely understood by these sayings and aphorisms. The subversive nature of Yeshua's ministry could not possibly be expressed in a straightforward reading of the text of the New Testament and such should be obvious to anyone created as the imago Dei and commissioned to a processional mission of missional procession.

The same can be said for the illustrious Rabbi Shaul and the ever-wise M. Westermoreland-White illuminates our underdeveloped understanding by bringing to light a series by pseudo-theologian Thom Stark which M. W-W. describes as a: "fantastic series on Romans 13 as a call to nonviolent political activism, not blind obedience to the state or other Powers." We'd be foolish not to heed the words of such speculative ψευδοθεολογια. To ignore such wisdom would be sophistry of the worst kind.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


After entering into the womb of Messiah through the pre-coital ejaculatory manifestation of Ruach Hakodesh we begin the processional aspect of developmental incongruity. After essentially deriving our plasmatic experience by being surrounded in the conversation of divine deliberation the individual has gone through the proper preparatory procedure in which they have now advanced to the point of theosistic fibrosis, wherein the time has come to quote the ever vigilant Eryka Badu:
I was born under water, with three dollars and six dimes
Yeah you may laugh, but you did not do you math
The numerology of these figures means the following: "Three dollars" ($3) + Six dimes (60¢) = $3.60. There are 360° in a complete circle signifying that our journey ends where it began. 360 can be further broken down 3 + 6 + 0 = 9. There are 9 months of pregnancy. So it then becomes clear that Ms. Badu has clearly outlined the cosmic significance of being birthed in (or under) water. It is out of the amniotic fluid of physical biology that we are birthed into the overflowing abundance of what Yeshua described as "rivers of living water" or what I'd term the metaphysical ontology of the divine.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fides Quaerens Intellectum

As faith seeks understanding it does so in such a way as to negate extemporaneous factors of quasi-intellectual exploits. The karmatic1 influence of preexisting existential ideals leads us into the depths of presuppositionless exegetical methodology whereby we determine our faith in and through the kerygmatic Christ event. Therefore, faith seeks understanding not due to any sense of necessity but rather because understanding is the snipe of theological inquiry that faith must hunt.

1 Karmatic from the Hindi "kárma" (kar = vehicle + ma = mother), meaning: a maternal means of transportation by which one is driven through the eternal reality of life's existence.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Power Surge

The omni-attributes of the Theos-team are relegated in such a way as to never be fully comprehended by those who have not been made θειας κοινωνοι φυσεως. And those who have partooken in the divine cannot understand the full actuality of the æsthetic appeal accepted and accentuated in the allergenic albeit Ash Wednesday-like being-in-communion. It is this æsthetic that anticipated the Aristotelian arrogance exhibited in the φιλοσοφια του κοσμου but has been deemed divinely foolish through the torture stake of Messiah. But in the powerlessness of the divine death--or as the fathers called it the patripassian--the theo-child/parent shewed forth the ultimate omnipotence in an array of Sonlight (or Childlight) only viewable in the face of redemption through the lenses of self-sacrificial mediocrity. And while the first glaring glance through the looking glass might appear contradictory, the theopneustosed nature of the utterance of apostolic apostasy proves otherwise, for as the rabbinim of antiquity were apt to enunciate: "to the right or to the left-even if they point out to you that right is left and left is right, obey them." (Sifrei [Piska 154]) Contemporary application of this sagacious principle provides the perfect processive substructure for the point that in its powerlessness the omni-attributed theo-team possesses all power.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paternity Test

"Who's your daddy?"

This is more than the sincere question of the unwed and adulterous mothers of adolescent Afro-American and rapidly engendered Hispanic children. It's voluminously superior to the adjacent taunts of NBA forwards who have just dunked all in and around the faces of under-matched opponents. This and this alone, is a question for the aeons. It is through the recognition of the τυπος set forth in the eternity of filiation that the divine Son prior to his tabernaclation has pointed us toward a more excellent and exceedingly abundant answer of paternity and paternal fidelity. The μυστηριον of the faith is not the humiliation of the God-Messiah, but rather the manner in which the Triune אלהים subsists as μητηρ, πατηρ, & τεκνον (as opposed to hυιος). It is the ever-expanding família de dios that we all long to inhabit through the riches of the generously adoptive prescriptions of the mother/father/child team. And once we've come upon the becoming of Gott/Göttin then we will realize as the inerrant Carlos Barth said, that:

Yes, our Childship is occurrence, and as such it is the answer to that insoluble riddle of our existence which religion finally propounds. [...] Dissolved also is that embarrassment which everything finite imposes on infinity. Dissolved also is that untrustworthy complacency which clings to bourgeois affirmations and that precarious vagabondage which is the product of the poisons of human negation. [...] The Spirit of Childship, this new person who I am not, is my unobservable, existential EGO. (Der Römerbrief, 296-97. Language altered to eliminate Barth's obvious hatred of women)

It is the alterations made by the tailor of the universe that allow us to cry out אבא (!) and mean it with every insistence that is based upon the fibrous being of our analogously bran muffin-like spiritual purpose for existence.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Blizzard of Odd

The unsanitary sacramental sasquatchian service of the church, rightly understood, is the form, function, unction, and splendor of the inter-trinitarian love which when translated into the life of humanity through the Son is completely alien to the allies of the merciless. In relinquishing this right, heterodoxy preserves its own essential doctrinal integrity vis-à-vis its ability to preserve the kernels of truth that have been alethiologically founded in the Christ event – and it confers this truth only from outside itself, as the intravenous injection of objectified humiliation, i.e., having the mind of Messiah. This is a gift that enters history from beyond hashamayim, tearing history open in the apocalyptic rapture of Messiah’s return and YHWH's advent. For centuries, the Scripture’s witnessed to the church’s constituents but arachnophobia struck fear in the hearts of catechumen, male and female, transgendered, and hermaphrodite alike. But it is through the “ministry of reconciliation” that demonic spiderlings were silenced or ignored because of the aforementioned Constantinian constitution of the Eunomian Jesuits and the corresponding ecclesiasticization of eschatological realizations of divine trancendence. So that when Dorothy opined: "lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!" she had her finger on the pulse of the church's fear and loathing in Las Vegas, but by clicking her heels three times she symbolically spoke to the church's need to return home to the utter despair and self deprivation inherent in the teachings of Messiah Yeshua and Rabbi Shaul.

Monday, September 8, 2008

New Covenant Exodus

The uneducated lay-church in their simple acceptance of spoon fed theology fails to realize the deep things of God such as the fact that the "exodus" was nothing more than an "exit from dust." Just as Moses and the children of Israel exited the dust of Egypt in their flight to freedom and their race toward obtaining the age-abiding covenantal promises of YHWH in the inhabited but soon-to-be eradicated land of Canaan, so in the New Covenant do we exit the dust of deadness in sin to the newness of life by being washed in the regenerative water of the self-sacrificial Messianic blood. In the same way that our exemplar Yeshua spat into the dirt to form the mud that created new eyes in the sockets of the blind, so has he spitten into our formerly dead and dusty existence in order to moisten our once dried up and ineffective spiritual stupor. Once wet, it becomes our duty, no... rather our privilege to spit on the world's elite in order to show the disenfranchised the love of θεος which is manifested only in our utter refusal to deliver the evangel to them, because as the eschatological Messianic prophet opined, "Blessed are the poor."

Sunday, September 7, 2008


The coinherence of divine activity manifests itself in the perichoretic dance of love between the eternally interdependent persons of the Trinity. The anticipatory praise of self-sacrificial sustenance nourishes the soul of the one who exists for others than the "I" of selfish self-gain. To posit that God's being is in becoming does not take into account the logically prior antecedent of God's coming, i.e., the inbreaking into the eschatological existence from the preexistent protology of the divine self existence. Such a disruption of time and space leave no room for anything other than the identification of one's self in the divine identity of perichoretic love. This is made clear in Jesus' prayer to the maternal Father that we may be "one" in the same manner that YHWH's one and only Son has been begotten from eternity from the womb of the Father, so that our existence is one of umbilical dependence upon the maternal Father.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog, That is the Question

To read is human, but to write is divine.

The violent inbreaking of the divine into the realm of finitude resulted in the making of humankind in the imago dei. And as theotokoi we are called to be expressions of the divine in a darkened world, but as John the elder said of John the immerser: "We are not that φως but came to bear witness to the φωτος" (Yochanan 1:8) But of course light shines in such a manner as to completely iradicate all traces of darkness, hence as immersers in the manner of John we are mandated to literally love the hell out of our enemies. Such behavior manifests itself in only the most radical of forms; it is seen only through utter suffering and self-giving-ness of the redeemed creature.

It is for this reason, and this reason alone that we blog.