Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ignoring Exegesis

One of the axioms upon which ψευδοθεολογια is dependent is that exegesis must be avoided, ignored, and side-stepped at all costs. This quasi-divine utterance (LINK) from pseudo-theologian Halden and the ruminations of Kim Fabricius that follow are the perfect example of this. Well done good sirs, jolly good show, jolly good indeed. Shame on those poor commenters who sought to exegete the text in its context and thus avoid the pretext for the proof text. Someone must explain to those types that this is not how theology is done!


Esteban Vázquez said...

This is beyond words, even as God is beyond being. Sublime!

Jürgen Hauerwas said...

Ahh, but the underwater citris-ity of god's being is in her becoming.