Monday, October 27, 2008


Wonders shall never cease to mystify and exemplify the studiousness of serious theo-interaction with divine contemplation through which we engage a crying world drenched in tears of ill conceived torment hurled in its direction from the audaciously judgmental "Christians" of the land wherewith they feel most-highly enough to suggest that the actions that clearly allow god's creatures to exist in blissful ignorance and happy interaction with others of like minded persuasions are somehow 'wrong' (blech!) or 'sinful' (gasp!) as if they had never engaged in questionable behaviour. Whether or not they have 'repented' (whatever that might mean) and sought the Lord's forgiveness for this behaviour is clearly irrelevant since it is the same thing no matter how different it actually is. Rather than call god's creatures to 'holiness' (whatever that is) we should embrace the carnality of all since it is said carnality that binds the fallen creation so that it might be hoisted up by the community of self-giving lovers: Mother, Daughter, and Sophia.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Obviously this is what Obama meant by the "audacity of hope." The pluralistic, interfaith connotations that you so clearly articulate here are what the subconscious public mind received as grace despite the admittedly carnal tendencies of said pubic mind, myself excepted.

As you put it so visually and evocatively, the American political landscape was thusly "hoisted up" in a landslide - to use a paradoxical and yet a faintly luminous and even slightly mysterious metaphor that is itself precisely the kind of "contradiction" designed for a thoroughgoing theological analysis, if not apology.

May I commend you, Sir: your post is as audacious as it is nebulously perspicacious, and in a manner that I find personally resonates with me like the pebbles in an otherwise empty Maxwell House can that I would shake, fascinated, for hours at a time in childhood.