Saturday, September 6, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog, That is the Question

To read is human, but to write is divine.

The violent inbreaking of the divine into the realm of finitude resulted in the making of humankind in the imago dei. And as theotokoi we are called to be expressions of the divine in a darkened world, but as John the elder said of John the immerser: "We are not that φως but came to bear witness to the φωτος" (Yochanan 1:8) But of course light shines in such a manner as to completely iradicate all traces of darkness, hence as immersers in the manner of John we are mandated to literally love the hell out of our enemies. Such behavior manifests itself in only the most radical of forms; it is seen only through utter suffering and self-giving-ness of the redeemed creature.

It is for this reason, and this reason alone that we blog.


Eberhard Balthasar said...

"....hence as immersers in the manner of John we are mandated to literally love the hell out of our enemies. Such behavior manifests itself in only the most radical of forms; it is seen only through utter suffering and self-giving-ness of the redeemed creature."

I complete agree!! The Father calls us to follow the Jesus who radically invites us to become the s**t of the world, taking the s**t onto ourselves and into our being that we may become the damned and they may become the righteous through our self sacrificial s**tiness! Only then can the Father take all this s*** and use it to grow the in-breaking Kingdom like flowers in fertilizer (which is s***) so that all of mankind may be his eschatological garden where there are no longer damned weeds but just beautiful redeemed tulips and roses.

F*** yeah! That's why I blog too.

Eberhard Balthasar

Esteban Vázquez said...

Wonderful. Moving. Edifying. Theopneustosed.

I have often pondered that I am theotokos--namely, that I am mother of God, birthing him out of my womb. I'm glad to see this thought now related to blogging.

Jürgen Hauerwas said...


I suspect that you are onto something. To take your train of thought past Grand Central Station and to the third heaven where the glorious Rabbi Shaul encountered the divine triad, I would add that in recognizing our theo-ordained mandate to fertilize the earth by becoming the fæces of divine over-activity; we are then called into a process of divine photosynthesis wherein we are not only the excrement of the nations, but we are also το φος του κοσμου.


I am ecstatic to learn that you have been blessed by my ponderings concerning the intellectual and spiritual foundation of blogging. I would also like to offer a word of thanks for linking to my humble theopneustosed musings on the divine. Please continue reading and offering your praise and other-worldly adoration of the excellency that is my web log.