Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blurview: A Cross Shattered Church by Stanley Hauerwas

Hauerwas, Stanley. A Cross-Shattered Church: Recovering the Theological Heart of Preaching. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2009. 160 pp. Paperback. $17.99. ISBN 9781587432583.

My nephew Stanley supplies us with a superbly subversive system in which to strategically stress the seeing, saying, living, and events of the syntax of life's system while subjecting such standards to pseudotheology. Thumbs up.


Divine providence has led (LINK) to my illumined understanding in the manner of theo-literature blurviews. The blurviewer is nether expected to compose a composite re-view that would capture the disparate elements of the theo-literature in question and thus conform the standard standards by which re-views are expected to both inform and critique the quintessential questions of quasi-coincidental conventions. The sole satisfaction to be satisfied by the blurviewer is to state the sense with which they suspected they'd succeed in suspending disbelief and inform the reader whether or not the theo-literature in question was satisfactorily pseudeotheological. Armed with the divine revelation of blurviewing blogtasticity I shall start upon a series of blurviews that not only blur ones view of the theo-literature in question, but also inform the informants of the information that matters most within the realm of the divine.